Click on Money : Personal Loan


  • No gold or security required
  • Loan amount starting from ₹ 50,000
  • Get loan upto 10 times of monthly salary
  • No Branch Visits Required
  • No Preclosure Charges

Profile of the customer

• Should be a salaried individual, and not self-employed or working in his own 
company or working as a part time individual
• Should be working in either a Private Limited Company or Public Limited 
 Company or is a Government Employee
• Age of the borrower should be more than 21 years
• No restriction on gender


  • PAN card
  • Aadhar Card
  • email id
  • 12-month salary credit bank statement, in PDF format downloaded from Bank website/bank app/ customer care email/ bank email/ scanned copy of the bank statement is not accepted [Bank statement of the last 12 months of the Salary Bank Account, in original 
  • Bank PDF format]
  • Latest 1 month pay slip/salary certificate/HR
  • letter confirming salary

Loan Amont 50000 to 5,00,000/-

Minimum Salary 16000 in Bank Credit By Transfer 
[*Salary by cheque and cash are not eligible]

Company Type:
  •  Private Limited Company
  • Public Sector Company
  • Government employee (State,
  • Central, or Local Government body)
  • *Employees of Hospitals, Educational
  • Institutes, NGO’s, LLP’s, Partnership and
  • Proprietorship firms are not eligible.

Employee type:
Full Time Employment only Employment
We do not provide loans to customers working in the below job profiles
•Contract employee, apprenticeship, trainees and interns.
• Self-employed, businessmen, etc.
• Bus Driver and Bus Conductor
• Loan Collection Agents / Employees working in collection teams of NBFCs, Banks

Any customer with delayed repayment will not be eligible

Minimum age of the customer – 21 years
Maximum age of the customer – 55 years

Customer should compulsorily have an own house within their immediate family. 
They could be residing in rented house but should have an own house.
The own house can be in the name of the below –
• Own name
• Spouse (Husband / Wife)
• Parents (Mother / Father)
• Grandparents
• Siblings (Own Brother / Own Sister)
• In-laws (Father In-law / Mother In law)

Apply Loan Fill form :  Apply Now
Whatsapp Apply: Whatsapp Apply

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